眼淚 Tears

張韶涵( Angela Chang )


青春若有張不老的臉 但願它永遠不被改變
許多夢想總編織太美 跟著迎接幻滅

愛上你是最快樂的事 卻又換來最痛苦的悲
苦澀交錯愛的甜美 我怎樣都學不會

哦 眼淚 眼淚都是我的體會 成長的滋味
哦 眼淚 忍住眼淚不讓你看見
哦 我在改變 孤單的感覺 你從不曾發現 我笑中還有淚

愛上你是最快樂的事 卻又換來最痛苦的悲
苦澀交錯愛的甜美 我怎樣都學不會

哦 眼淚 眼淚都是我的體會 成長的滋味
哦 眼淚 忍住眼淚不讓你看見
哦 我在改變 孤單的感覺 你從不曾發現 我笑中還有淚

哦 眼淚 眼淚流過無言的夜 心痛的滋味
哦 眼淚 擦乾眼淚忘掉一切 曾有的眷戀
哦 眼淚是苦 眼淚是傷悲 哦 眼淚都是你
哦 眼淚是甜 眼淚是昨天 哦 眼淚不流淚

If youth got an ageless face, then I wish that it will never be changed.
There are too many dreams that were built up to look great,
but then we will have to accept that they got destroyed.
Falling in love with you is the happiest thing,
but in exchanged it also bought along the deepest pain.
Bitterness mixed with the sweetness of love, I will never learn.
Wo, tears, tears are what I learned, the taste of growth up.
Wo, tears, holding the tears so that you wouldn't see it. Wo,
I am changing, the feeling of loneliness,
so that you will not noticed that there are tears in my smile.

Falling in love with you is the happiest thing,
but in exchanged it also bought along the deepest pain.
Bitterness mixed with the sweetness of love, I will never learn.
Wo, tears, tears are what I learned, the taste of growth up.
Wo, tears, holding the tears so that you wouldn't see it. Wo,
I am changing, the feeling of loneliness,
so that you will not noticed that there are tears in my smile.

Wo, tears, tears float on speechless night, the feeling of pain.
Wo, tears, wiping dry the tears, forget everything, the love that I once have.
Wo, tears are bitter, tears are sadness.
Wo, tears are you. Wo, tears are sweet, tears are yesterday.
Wo tears stop crying.

歌曲:眼淚 Tears
演唱:張韶涵( Angela Chang )